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26 year old woman attacked in Kabwe 

A 26-year old woman in  Kabwe magistrate court how she was attacked by a 36-year old man following a misunderstanding he caused at her bonanza store.

Memory Banda told the court that she was attacked by Patrick Mucheleka who she said was causing confusion at her store.

This is in a case in which Patrick Mucheleka is facing one count of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm contrary to section 248 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence are that Mucheleka on July, 27, 2024 in the Kabwe District, did assault Memory Banda thereby occasioning her Actual Bodily Harm.

Banda revealed that  on the fateful day, she received a phone call from her shop attendant, Josephine Nsofwa who informed her that Mucheleka was disturbing the peace of other customers at her Bonanza shop where he was drinking from.

Banda narrated that upon receiving the information she and her husband rushed to the scene but found that Mucheleka had left the premises and was drinking at a nearby pub.

Banda said she then left her husband in the car, and asked Nsofwa to escort her to the pub to confront Mucheleka who had continued drinking.

The complainant told the court that Mucheleka immediately started to beat her when he left the bar in response to her call.

“Your honour, he beat me up and threw me to the ground, breaking my leg in the process,” she said.

Banda, who appeared in her crutches, told the court she was only saved by the husband, Lingtong Yong who lifted her to the vehicle and rushed to the hospital as she could not walk on her own.

“ The doctors from both Kabwe Central Hospital and Friend’s Care Medical Center examined my leg and found that it was severely damaged,  my husband had to evacuate me to Lusaka for an operation at a private medical center,” said Banda in between tears.

She also produced medical reports and an X-ray film showing eight metal bars implanted in her foot and ankle.

“I cannot walk properly or work since the day I was assaulted,” she said.

Another witness, 26-year old Josephine Nsofwa of Makululu Compound, a cashier at the Bonanza store testified that Mucheleka had been frequenting the business premises for three days and always misconducted himself disrespectfully.

“After monitoring Mucheleka behaving in the same manner for three days, I decided to report him to the Manager who is the wife of my employer,” said Nsofwa.  

Nsofwa narrated that on the material day, she escorted Banda to confront Mucheleka about his uncalled for behavior but to her surprise Mucheleka beat and injured her employer as she watched helplessly.

She added that she had to run to Mr. Yong who was sitting in his vehicle for help.

Principal Resident Magistrate Mubita Kalaluka has since adjourned the matter to today, October 17 for a continued trial as the accused remain on police bond.