Government says it has come up with a mobile transaction mode system to use when buying maize from Food Reserve Agency (FRA) depots around the country.
Southern Province Permanent Secretary Namani Moonze says Siavonga District will be the first district in Southern Province to use the system to reduce transaction challenges and other hardships relating to the grain transactions.
Dr Moonze expressed certainty that the use of the mobile transaction mode will help facilitate quicker processing and will also enhance access to the commodity.
Speaking today during a Provincial Disaster Management Committee PDMC meeting in Siavonga, the Province’s Permanent Secretary asked why offices for FRA had not been established in Siavonga and Chirundu districts.
“Let us work together and ensure we assess the drought Situation and offer tangible solutions so that the pronouncement of no one dies from hunger is achieved,” he said.
And Siavonga District Commissioner Geoffrey Jakopo assured the Permanent Secretary that his office was on the ground to ensure that FRA depots are opened in the area.
Mr. Jakopo disclosed during the meeting that six depots sites have been identified adding that works on the structures is progressing well and will become operational soon.
And Siavonga Member of Parliament Darius Mulunda stressed the importance of the PDMC members to work together in combating the ongoing effects of the drought.
Mr. Mulunda said the PDMC members will do well by focusing on cooperation and collaborate towards disaster management and resilience.
During the course of the meeting, the local authority and the district disaster management officer shared their outlook on cash for work and other interventions such as relief maize distribution among other disaster risk management interventions.