Mbabala Constituency Member of Parliament Joseph Munsanje has commended the government for its significant support of various developments in his constituency in 2024 through the enhanced Constituency Development Fund (CDF). 

Speaking when he officiated at the Mbabala Constituency Christmas celebration that was organised to celebrate achieved developmental projects in 2024, Dr Munsanje said prompt disbursement of CDF by government enabled his area to complete numerous projects on time.

ZANIS reports that Dr Munsanje highlighted the construction of maternity wing and rehabilitation of a staff house at Nalube health post, construction of staff houses at Kasama school, 1 by 3 classroom block at Ndawana school, 1 by 2 classroom block at Kabanga school, 1 by 2 classroom block at Kapondo school, and another 1 by 2 classroom block at Mayobo school among others.

He stated that CDF has also made significant improvements in the education sector in the constituency.

“As Mbabala constituency, improving the education sector has been one of our priorities. We managed to procure and distribute 3, 000 desks to schools, sponsored over 700 youths under the CDF skills bursaries component, as well as sponsoring at least 700 pupils under the CDF school bursaries component,” he said.

The lawmaker added that the constituency fulfilled the presidential directive of ensuring that no child sits on the floor.

Dr Musanje explained that the CDF committee will prioritize cushioning water shortages using CDF in 2025.

“Due to the drought that we recently experienced, Mbabala constituency has been hit with water shortages. So, in 2025, we have planned to drill 5 to 10 boreholes in each ward using the newly procured borehole drilling rig,” he said.

And Dr Musanje has since tasked party structures in the constituency to ensure active involvement in monitoring of CDF projects in the coming year.

The Mbabala lawmaker, who also donated K14, 0000 thousand for party mobilization, called on grassroot part structures to remain intact for meaningful development to be realized.

Meanwhile, United Party for National Development (UPND) Mbabala Constituency Chairperson, Hebby Sibajene called on party members to remain united.