You are currently viewing FRA OPEN 11 DEPOTS IN PETAUKE


About 11 Food Reserve Agency (FRA) satellite depots are earmarked to be established in various areas of Petauke District in Eastern Province.

Petauke District Commissioner, Martha Mulenga says the satellites will be opened to enable quick and efficient purchase of the maize.

ZANIS reports that Ms Mulenga said this during the disbursement of Emergency Social Cash Transfer (ESCT) in Petauke.

“We will bring a depot here for you to buy the maize. Please buy the maize by cash, no need for you to go and deposit the money in town,” she said.

Ms Mulenga said the government is committed to fighting the food insecurity that many households are facing due to the drought.

And Faneli Phiri a farmer , expressed happiness that the  introduction of a satellite depot in her area will reduce distances in accessing maize  selling points and make life much better.

“We used to walk to town to deposit the money and then come and collect the maize. However things will be made much easier, we appreciate the government,” she said.