MANSA District Commissioner Ireen Chivweta says the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is positively impacting the education system.

Speaking to ZANIS, Ms Chivweta noted that since 2022, several school infrastructures have been built in Mansa District and across the country to improve quality education services for learners.

Ms Chivweta observed that with infrastructure development, many children find it encouraging to go to school.

“I thank the Head of State for spearheading development in the education sector, without schools which we are building through CDF, many children could have been suffering and others could have stopped attending school, however, through CDF, our children are now going to school and they will surely learn,” she said.

Ms Chivweta stated that in addition to building a classroom block, the Head of State has emphasised the need to ensure every school built under CDF has an ablution block with flushable toilets and running water.

“If you can see at the newly opened Donald Chushi Primary School constructed with CDF, there are flushable toilets to service the learners and teachers, and also a solar-powered water reticulation system to provide safe and clean water for the school. Not only does the school have these, there is also a staff house, this is what CDF is for and we will continue to do so,” she said.

Ms Chivweta further urged school administrators whose schools benefit from CDF to ensure school infrastructure is guarded from malicious damage and clean surroundings are maintained.

“For instance, Mansa Secondary School was built since time immemorial and is still standing today, so even the newly built schools under CDF should be well maintained and free from vandalism,” she said.

Ms Chivweta also noted that the government will endeavour to provide school desks for all schools including those not built with CDF funds so that no child sits on the floor to attain quality education.