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Mufulira Council to establish new burial site

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The Mufulira Municipal Council has expressed concern over the dwindling burial space at the two cemeteries in the district.

Mufulira Town Clerk, Kasonde Musongole, revealed that few plots are available at Chatulinga Cemetery, while presence of hard rock at Kansuswa has hindered grave digging efforts to the required depths.

She further revealed that the council is contemplating the closure of the Kansuswa site in light of its depleted capacity.

 “We have been inundated with complaints from residents who encounter hard rock halfway through digging their loved ones’ graves, rendering the process impossible to complete,” Ms. Musongole said.

Meanwhile, Mufulira Mayor, Tanaeli Kamanga, has unveiled plans to establish a new burial site along Mokambo road.

Mr Kamanga emphasized that the new Mokambo road cemetery will offer burial options for residents across all financial spectrums.

“The old cemeteries did not have essential infrastructure such as shelters and toilets but the council has budgeted to put up that at the Mokambo cemetery,” he said.

He assured residents that the council is fully committed to ensuring dignified burials for their loved ones, adding that construction works on the Mokambo cemetery infrastructure are scheduled to commence soon.