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Chalele area in Mbala cut off

Chalele area in Mbala District has been cut off from the rest of the district after the bridge that connects the area was submerged.

Residents have bemoaned the development as one of the residents Blackson Silavwe, said their area was cut off in February after the bridge that links the area was submerged.

He said the cutting off of the area has affected the delivery of other services saying the

Mr Silavwe disclosed the development when a team of officers from the Department of Social Welfare failed to reach the area and instead opted to ask the community to go to Migiomba to access the rapid programme.

But when contacted for a comment Nsuzu Ward Councilor, Clever Simbeya failed as he was out of station attending to a meeting in Luwingu District.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sikazwe advised potential beneficiaries to support the government of the day as it is determined to improve the people’s lives in the area.

He has also implored the CWAC members to follow guidelines, as the work is voluntary by informing the community about the programme.

Mr. Sikazwe said the committee or the members should never get anything from the beneficiaries serving in return.

Mbala district is conducting a rapid emergency response in the communities in line with the Ministry Of Community Development and Social Services.