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Kalulushi schools in health room empowerment

A Non-Governmental Organisation is in Kalulushi to construct 14 health rooms in schools to reduce absenteeism related to illnesses in the schools.

Health Learners Advocacy Engagement Coordinator Bertha Chulu announced this in Kalulushi.

Ms. Chulu says the 14 health rooms will be constructed in selected schools identified by the District Education Board Secretary and the District Health Director in Kalulushi. 

She disclosed that Health Learners is an organization that works closely with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health to advance the government’s school health programmes, enshrined in the national school health and nutrition policy.

She says the programme will benefit the children as it is known to reduce absenteeism that is related to illnesses and improve learner participation in education.

She said children will be able to access medical care from the clinic through a fast truck system that is initiated in the school.

“This programme is going to benefit the children and in turn it is going to benefit the parents because the parents will not be able to worry when their child is sick, if their child is going to access medical care in the shortest possible time.” Said Ms Chulu.

Meanwhile, Ms Chulu has pleaded with the community to support the programme to encourage their children to access education as health care will be closer to them.