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ZCSA threatens companies against selling non- compliant products

The Zambia Compulsory Standards  Agency (ZCSA) has threatened to take stern action against companies selling non- compliant products on the market.

ZCSA Acting Communications Manager Brian Hatyoka further warned that all non-compliant products will be seized and withdrawn  from the market to protect  consumers and the environment.

And Mr. Hatyoka is was speaking in an interview with ZANIS at the on-going Copperbelt Agriculture, Mining Industrial Networking Enterprise (CAMINEX) in Kitwe today.

He said no one is allowed to supply any product  covered by the Compulsory  standard  without authority from the Agency.

Mr. Hatyoka urged members of the public to safeguard their health by only buying products from reputable and registered suppliers.

He further urged the public to report any individual or firms  involved in illegal production and supply of bottled drinking water to the nearest police station.

Mr. Hatyoka is however  impressed with the compliance levels  for bottled drinking water being supplied on the market in Ndola District on the Copperbelt.

He said a survey by the Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency in selected townships in Ndola revealed a compliance level of 82 percent.

Mr. Hatyoka stated that out of the 46 manufacturers, brands and trading outlets inspected, 38 were compliant while only eight were non-compliant.

He said the Agency has since taken the samples of the non-compliant bottled water  to the laboratory for further analysis.