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South farmers encouraged to venture in smart agriculture

A civic leader in Zimba District, Southern Province says the drought that Zambia experienced in the last farming season should be taken as a wake up call to farmers to venture into smart agriculture and livestock diversification.

Zimba Ward Councilor Anne Mutunda said in view of the drought, farmers in the area should embrace climate smart agriculture to mitigate the natural calamity destroying crop yields in Zimba and many parts of the country.

Ms. Mutunda further advised  farmers to embark on new research innovation solutions by practicing climate smart agriculture.

She said this yesterday when she led a group of women saving groups from Mukwalantila village who are eager to learn about drought response projects that their counterparts in Kapani village of Mangonda Ward are undertaking and supported by Response Network, a local Non-Governmental Organization.

 “As women, let us embrace climate smart agriculture. The impact of climate change is being felt thus threatening agricultural productivity. Therefore, we, your leaders, are ready to help you women to come up with proposals that can help our communities in mitigation of this natural calamity, drought,” she said.

Ms. Mutunda observed that the prolonged dry spell and unpredictable rainfall patterns has increasingly threatened agricultural production.    

“  Its through your hands-on engagement and persistent efforts that we can drive this transformation and ensure that our agriculture sector not only survives but thrives in the face of climate change,” she said.

Ms. Mutunda advised women farmers to take up rearing animals seriously because livestock business is not only lucrative but profitable venture.

On deforestation, the civic leader said Zimba ward is not spared but losing more hectares of forest cover due to indiscriminate cutting down of trees for charcoal.

And Mangonda Ward Councilor Douglas Maunga commended government’s decision to realign CDF grants, loans and disaster component budget towards responding to climate change effects.

Mr. Maunga further  commended the NGO – Response Network for  partnering with government in addressing climate change effects through community projects.

And Kapani Savings Group Chairperson Jennifer Mbwainga attested that Response Network has really changed the lives of women after they were empowered with solar powered irrigation equipment, incubators, seed  and cooking oil producing machines.

Other projects done by  Response Network are empowering women beekeeping, poultry and growing one heactre of winter maize and vegetables respectively in order to enhance smart agriculture in rural areas.