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Muchinga, Northern in Amapalo milling plant boost

Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Chipoka Mulenga says the Amapalo milling plant in Mpika District of Muchinga Province will provide food security not only in Muchinga but the country at large.

Mr Chipoka says the region has recorded good yields of maize which will help the plant to run throughout to service the people.

The Minister adds that there is a need to engage ZESCO Limited to ensure the plant has power all the time so that it can run throughout.

ZANIS reports that Mr Chipoka was speaking this morning during the handover of the facility to the Zambia correctional Service by World Vision Zambia in Mpika.

Mr Chipoka further noted that the plant if managed can produce 1,500 bags of mealie meal in a day which can cater for the entire province.

“This means there should be no food insecurity in the area with the coming of the Amapalo milling plant in the province,” he said.

Mr Chipoka further called on the ZCS to guard against smuggling, saying there are negative effects that come with smuggling which in turn affects people.

And speaking earlier, ZCS Deputy Commissioner General, Bwalya Kuyomba informed the Minister that the plant can produce 500 bags of mealie meal in one hour which will be able to cater for both Muchinga and Northern Provinces.

“This is a 15-tonne milling plant that can produce 500 bags of mealie meal in an hour to supply both Muchinga and Northern provinces,” he said.

The Deputy Commissioner General further assured the Minister that the facility will be taken care of as officers are equal to the task.