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Kafue district to start school feeding programme

The District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) in Kafue has expressed optimism that the introduction of the Government’s home-grown school feeding programme will improve learning performance.

District Board Secretary Belina Moono explained that in response to the effects of climate change, the Ministry of Education will start implementing a school feeding programme through her office.

In an interview with ZANIS Mrs. Moono disclosed that the feeding programme will start with schools that have pre and primary sections.

“Kafue District is starting to implement a home-grown school feeding programme, schools with preschool and primary sections will benefit first,” said Mrs Moono.

She stated that the initiative will enhance learners’ school attendance and reduce dropout rate in schools in the district.

Mrs Moono also said that the development will improve school core curricular activities as learners will be able to spend time on the premises.

“We are sure of little absenteeism if any, because this programme will enhance our learners’ school attendance, as well as improve the core curricular activities,” Mrs Moono said.

She further said her office has embarked on a stakeholders’ orientation meeting on the implementation of the school feeding programme which is scheduled to start next month.