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President Jinping offers the global South funds for agriculture

The Chinese Government has allocated 10 million United States Dollars towards agricultural development in the least developed countries in the global south. 

President of China Xi Jinping made the announcement during the 70th anniversary of the five principles of peaceful coexistence which was held in Beijing.

ZANIS reports that Mr Jinping said China will also renew the China – International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD ) South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility. 

He said China will additionally provide 100, 000 training opportunities to countries in the global south to better support global south cooperation. 

Mr Xi urged countries in the global south to work together to promote sustainable development further calling for enhancement of inter-civilization communication and sharing of best practices in governance in the region.

“We should restore development as a central international agenda.  We should deepen exchanges in education, science, technology and culture as well as subnational, people-to-people and youth interactions,” he said. 

President Jinping stated that China is ready to discuss free trade agreements with more global South countries and continue to support the World Trade Organisation (WTO)’s Aid for Trade initiative. 

And speaking earlier, President Jinping paid tribute to the Asian forefathers who initiated the five principles of peace for coexistence after the second world war. 

“The Chinese leadership specified the Five Principles in their entirety for the first time namely mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence,” he said. 

He added that the Five principles are the basic norms for state-to-state relations which have set a benchmark for international relations and international rule of law. 

“The Five Principles were initiated with the purpose of protecting the interests and pursuits of small and weak countries from power politics,” he said. 

He called on world leaders to enhance global peace so as to create an enabling environment for mankind.