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Ministry of Mines commends Mopani’s new investor

The Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development has expressed gratitude to the new investor, International Resources Holding (IRH) for the commitment to Mopani Copper Mines.

Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Paul Kabuswe says the Government and the new investor are working in partnership to revitalize Mopani copper mines.

Speaking during a press briefing held at the Ministry today, Mr Kabuswe said significant investments have been made in Mopani Copper Mines and the deal has significantly benefited Zambia with a fair shareholding structure now in place.

And Mr Kabuswe has noted that criticism from certain politicians lack substance and aims at undermining progress and has since urged the constructors and its workers to focus on constructive criticism to support efforts in developing the nation.

Meanwhile, Mr Kabuswe has disclosed that the Ministry of Mines has coordinated with other ministries such as Labor and Commerce to ensure alignment in its effort to support the mining sector and its stakeholders.

Mr Kabuswe added that recent negotiations between the union and Mopani management regarding workers’ conditions are ongoing.