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Schools will open on Monday February 12-Siakalima

Government has reaffirmed its earlier   decision that all public and private learning institutions will open on Monday 12th February following a continuous reduction in cholera cases.

Minister of Education Douglas Siakalima says this follows a decision that was made by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit council of Ministers on the reopening of schools held today.

Speaking at a media briefing, Mr Siakalima has further cautioned school authorities to maintain the highest standard of hygiene in learning places if the disease is to be contained.

He said the Ministry of education had taken random inspections of schools to ascertain readiness for reopening amidst the cholera situation in the country.

“In order to recover the lost time, the school calendar for 2024 that is for all public schools, private and community, all Schools and colleges will open for term one as earlier said on Monday 12th February and will close on 26th Friday April 2024, schools and colleges for term two will open on Monday 6th May and will close on Friday 9th August 2024,” he said.

“Schools and colleges for term three will open on Monday 2nd September and close on Friday 6th December 2024,” said the Minister.

Mr Siakalima has further urged parents and guardians to keep their homes and surroundings clean as this will help prevent the spread of diseases.